
What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6.8)

The Church’s Mission:

The Parishes exist for the glory of God and as a sign of God’s kingdom. The mission is growing in prayer, making disciples and serving people in the local community with joy.

This is expressed through:

• Worship and prayer
• Welcome and pastoral support
• Nurturing disciples
• Learning together
• Serving the community

The Church’s Values:

The Church is committed to and will courageously pursue being:

• Welcoming To All
• The Best We Can
• Open and Listening
• Fair and Respectful

The Benefice Prayer

May the glory of God enthral you,
the wonder of God inspire you,
and the love of God fill you.




EH – East Huntspill     WH – West Huntspill      M – Mark

Look forward to seeing you.