
Upcoming Events and News

Welcome to The Benefice of The Huntspills and Mark.

In addition to the schedule of events shown on the right, you can find further details about upcoming events below and a monthly calendar at the bottom of this page.

If you are looking for social events planned for the year ahead visit our Social Calendar 

For a snap shot of village life, check out Gallery: East Huntspill   Gallery: West Huntspill   Gallery: Mark

We look forward to seeing you soon. 

Social Events and Special Services   Coffee Morning  News  Foodbank   Bishop Michael   Revd Chris’ Blog    Huntspill News  Heritage Project West Huntspill  Church Hall 

Social Events and Special Services

To find out more about upcoming events in East Huntspill visit   or email  to receive monthly flyers. 

Saturday 7th September Will you come and join us to pray for the rural community in Somerset? 

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby is coming to Sedgemoor Auction Centre.

The diocese of Bath and Wells is inviting Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury to come and join us in a 24 hours wave of prayer.

On Saturday 7 September from 09:00-10:00

Archbishop Justin and Bishop Michael will be at Sedgemoor Auction Centre (J24, TA6 6DF) to share in praying for the rural community.

To pray for God’s blessing on those producing our food, caring for the land and for our local needs and to ask for God’s guidance as we face the challenge ahead.

We would love it is as many Christians as possible could be part of this prayer time together.

Contact Rob Walrond email:

Find out more about the 24 hour wave prayer –

Please forward this invitation to anyone you think may be interested.

Monday 16th September Harvest Supper, East Huntspill

Join us for an evening of friendship and good food as we celebrate the harvest. Ham and Cheese Ploughman plus pudding.

6.30 for 7pm start.

Tickets £7.50 per person, please bring your own drink.

Contact Sara 788665 or Sue 786790 to reserve your ticket by Friday 13th September

For more information, please email 

Sunday 22nd September Car Treasure Hunt, East Huntspill

Join us as we search the local area for answers to some fun clues.

£7 per car

So get your team together and come along for some good Family Fun!

2pm start from East Huntspill Church Hall

For more information, please email 

Coffee Mornings 

Come along to one of our coffee mornings for a coffee, cake and chat. For further information Coffee Mornings  and Huntspill Hub 

Daily 10am- 4pm, Huntspill Hub Honesty Café

Monday 10.30 -12noon, West Huntspill

Tuesday 10.30-12noon, Mark

Wednesday 1030-12noon, Mark

Saturday 10.30-12noon, East Huntspill

3rd Saturday Monthly cake sale 10.30-12noon, East Huntspill


Ecclesiastical Insurance 

The next time that you renew your home insurance why not get a quote from ecclesiastical

Call 0345 777 3322  or

Each time one of our community takes out a home insurance policy with     ecclesiastical, they will donate a £130 to our church, just by referencing TRUST 130 on the telephone or  using promotion code TRUST 130 online

One of the UK’s most trusted home insurance providers and a ’Which?’ Best Buy

Enjoying the countryside 

Our local Police Officer, PC Tracey Jones, has asked that we share the following information concerning livestock as they have been responding to problems recently along these lines.

We have also found these guidelines to help make our area safe for all.

Bishop Michael gifts a thousand tree saplings

A thousand Hazel tree saplings were given as gifts at Bishop Michael’s installation in 2022.

In his sermon, Bishop Michael shared how this gift was an example of just one of the things we can do to bring about the harvest of God’s life into God’s world and asked all those present “will you plant a sapling as a sign that under God each of us, in every place, can play our part in working for change, for transformation, for life. Small actions that when we undertake them together make a big difference.”

The hazel saplings are a symbol of a commitment to everyone to turn words into action.

East Huntspill has nurtured their sapling, which has grown strong and was today planted within the church grounds and we all look forward to watching its growth and changes throughout the seasons. Visit our Gallery to see more photos

Taking the next step…

On 4th November Bronwyn, Louise & Lynne (from The Huntspills & Mark Benefice) took the next step on their faith journey.  They were amongst the 86 people confirmed by Bishops Michael, Ruth & Christopher at a joyful confirmation service in Wells Cathedral.  They each affirmed for themselves the faith in which they had previously been baptised, and this was confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the bishops, with us all praying that the Holy Spirit will give them the power they need to live life as a committed disciple of Jesus Christ.  Many friends, family and parish members attended the amazing service in support of them all. 

Reflecting on the service, Bronwyn said: ‘I’m not sure what I expected, but I thought it was a beautiful service.  Everyone was so kind, helpful and welcoming that it felt almost like a family occasion.  I was honoured to be confirmed in such a beautiful Cathedral.  It has taken me a long time to get there (I think I must have been the oldest candidate).  Everyone enjoyed it immensely and it was lovely to have physical support from our churches and friends.’

Lynne and Louise expressed also felt the event was important for them – Louise said: ‘I found it to be an extremely moving and uplifting experience participating in the service on Saturday. It was a very special day.’ and Lynne: ‘What a very special day at Wells Cathedral, surrounded by the people who love and care for me.  A day that will never be forgotten on the journey that I have just begun.’

It has been a joy to accompany these three as they have prepared for this important step.  Our faith journey is always an onward going one.  If you would like to explore confirmation, or any other aspect of your faith, please do get in touch with Rev Chris.


Donations can be left in All Saints Church, East Huntspill

We welcome donations of in-date non-perishable, food and toiletries.

We also welcome clean & unbroken ‘bags for life’

Please note we cannot accept alcohol or baby formula

Thank you for your support
Highbridge Area Foodbank

Bishop of Bath and Wells: Refreshing our diocesan vision

Our Diocesan Vision: In response to God’s immense love for us we seek to be God’s people living and telling the story of Jesus.
We seek to live this story as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world and to tell it, both in sharing the good news and by the way in which our lives speak about Him.

This has been our vision for a few years. With our new bishop in place, now seems like a good time to ask ourselves how we are doing that, and how we want to do that in the next season of our diocesan life together.

As he travelled around our diocese in his first months, Bishop Michael identified four areas that might help us focus our activity in the future:
• Valuing and cherishing the people and resources we already have
• Developing new Christian worshipping communities
• Sharing in ministry and leadership
• Deepening and growing faith

You can hear Bishop Michael sharing his thoughts on refreshing our vision:


Visit Bath and Wells website to find out more

Rev Chris’ Blog,

September 2024 ‘The change in us all’

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I can hardly believe that my God daughter’s son is starting college this September. Do you ever feel as if time has flown by in the blink of an eye? It seems like only yesterday that he was starting school, and yet here he is on the brink of an exciting career, stepping out as a young adult – and I confess that I am very proud of the person he is becoming.

For many people, young and not-so-young, September is a month of new starts. There’s an air of freshness as schools start back after the summer holiday and many new leaves are turned over!   Long after school and college days, that sense of new beginnings remains for many of us and I believe it is something to be cherished. Even when our own situations may look as though they have remained the same from year to year, there is still the sense that we have changed, through all that we have experienced over the past year, which gives us the opportunity to see things differently.

I wonder what helps you to see things differently?  We are all changing – many of us are aware of becoming more creaky each year, but that’s not really what I mean. Being open to different ways of seeing things involves letting go of old ways, and being prepared to be surprised.

I remember the first time I discovered a snake skin that had been left behind by a renewed snake. What an incredible change!  It’s a bit like the way a butterfly leaves the cocoon that was formed by the caterpillar – a necessary act if it is to be able to fly. Sometimes we too need to let go of old ways of seeing in order to see things differently.

At a recent home visit a young Dad challenged me to watch The Chosen – a relatively new box-set drama about Jesus. I love a challenge, am already on Series 2 and thus far can commend it to you!  One of the phrases that keeps cropping up as the Pharisees, disciples and authorities all struggle to understand what is going on is ‘get used to different’. If we are to grow in our understanding, then we too have to be prepared to adjust our thinking….and ‘get used to different’.

One of the early Larry Norman songs tackles a change in the way he sees things: ‘I don’t believe in miracles, I know what’s real, I don’t pretend. I don’t believe in miracles or stories with a happy end – life is no one’s friend. But when we met – I felt so free, and suddenly I felt a change come over me. Do you suppose a miracle is happening to me?’

As we step into September this year, let’s be open to the surprises it has in store, with the chance to see things differently and encounter the many miracles all around us!    

God bless you,

Rev Chris   

The Huntspill News

The Huntspill News is now available in printed form or an electronic version  View this month’s publication (PDF) 

St Peter and All Hallows Church Heritage Project  

Find out more under our Heritage Section Heritage Project   and Huntspill Hub 

The Benefice Church Halls

All Saints Church Hall, East Huntspill

Did you know that you can hire East Huntspill Church Hall for £25 per session? This includes heating and use of the kitchen. Ideal for children’s parties, family gatherings and other social events. Regular users £17.50 per session.
To book or for further details please contact Booking Clerk Ruth Edwards 01278 784329

Holy Cross Church Hall, Mark

Mark Church Hall is a small hall with a kitchen, toilets and a stage. Perfect for meetings or a party.

To book, or for further details please ring Peter Higman on 01278 641479

EH – East Huntspill     WH – West Huntspill      M – Mark

Look forward to seeing you.