Weekly Worship

Everyone is very welcome at all services.
A brief guide to the regular services on offer is given below.
Please check the calendar for locations, times and dates.

For more details, contact – Rev Chris – 01278 781147  or email c.judson@btinternet.com 

Noticeboard, for upcoming Special Services, Community Events and News 

Sunday @3, West Huntspill

All-age café-style worship, with craft activities.

Held at 3pm (hence the name) on the first Sunday of the month, in Huntspill Hub (St Peter & All Hallows Church, West Huntspill).

Cakes and drinks, songs, a reading, prayers and activities.

Friends and Family, Mark                                   

Worship and craft in a relaxed café-style setting.

Be involved or just ‘be’. Ideal for families and those exploring faith. 

A chance to discuss with others, whilst enjoying coffee and croissants. 


Songs of Praise, East Huntspill 

An informal service of hymns and songs, chosen by those who come.

This is held in the Church Hall, beside All Saints Church car park.

Also includes a Bible reading, a reflection for the week and some prayers, followed by tea, cake and chat.

Morning and Afternoon Worship         

Held across the benefice, these services are informal, yet structured, and are often led by our Lay Worship Assistants.

Hymns and songs, prayers and Bible readings, with a reflection for the week.


Communion Services 


Across the benefice there are several different styles of Communion service, but at their heart they all involve the sharing of bread and wine, in remembrance of Jesus.  This simple meal binds us together with our God and with each other as we pray, sing hymns and songs, listen to the Bible and think about what God is showing us. From the Common Worship Communion setting at West Huntspill and, with choir, at Mark, and the occasional celtic liturgy at West Huntspill, to the Friends and Family informal style at East and West Huntspill, these services send us out with a blessing, to live our lives as followers of Jesus and to share his love.

EH – East Huntspill     WH – West Huntspill      M – Mark

Look forward to seeing you.